St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Ofsted Reports

Ofsted February 2020

St. Matthew’s is a Good school with many Outstanding featuresWe are immensely proud to have been awarded an Outstanding grade in Leadership. Inspectors recognised the rapid improvements the school has made . This is testament to the rigour and consistency of the leadership team in their quest to be Outstanding- the skills and knowledge they have imparted and to all the teaching staff and teaching assistants for giving our children the necessary tools to succeed.

Personal development, behaviour and welfare were also acknowledged as Outstanding. Thanks to Mrs Wilson (Previous SENDCo) and her amazing team of learning mentors and all the teaching assistants who do such a huge job in closing gaps in learning in order that ALL children can achieve. Also to Mrs O'Connell and her team in ensuring the health, safety and welfare of our children is paramount.

Our children clearly shine throughout this report: the words impeccable, exemplary, highly responsible, polite , well-mannered and respectful, proud, eager, outstanding, enthusiastic, excellent school ambassadors to name but a few resonate throughout the report. The team of inspectors were full of praise for our children who demonstrated they ‘mix harmoniously’ and have ‘deep respect of different religions and cultures’.

Our Early Years has also been graded Outstanding with such comments as ‘the highly stimulating environment fully engages children, children are highly motivated and engaged in their learning.’ It recognises that parents speak highly of the early year’s provision and are happy with their children’s progress, and that the parental support during the sports carousel was overwhelming.

We are so very proud of everything we have achieved. It is due acknowledgement of everyone in the St. Matthew’s school community: parents and grandparents, governors, office staff, teaching assistants and teachers for their enormous efforts, grit and determination in extremely challenging times.


 If you would like a copy of the report in a different format, such as large print or Braille, please telephone 0300 123 4234 or email [email protected].