St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13



Nursery Admissions

Nursery admissions 2024-2025

Nursery admissions 2025-2026

30 Hour Childcare

Admissions policy 2024-2025

Admissions policy 2025-2026

Admissions supplementary form




Coordinated Scheme for Admissions to Primary School in Telford and Wrekin 2025-2026


The scheme is designed to ensure that all children applying for reception places in infant and primary schools and year 3 places in junior schools receive only one offer of a place in a Telford & Wrekin School.


Parents of children within the relevant age group should complete the Telford & Wrekin common application form to apply for any primary or infant school within the borough.


There is a separate form on which to apply for a place at a Junior School within the borough.


In both cases parents are invited to express up to three preferences, in ranked order.


The Local Authority operates an equal preference scheme within the primary phase.


Online applications can be submitted online at by 15th January 2025.


Completed application forms should be returned to the Admissions Team within Children and Young People by 15th January 2025. 


Single Level Entry


A single level entry policy has been adopted by the Local Authority which means that all children born between 1st September 2010 and 31st August 2021 will be eligible to start school from September 2025.


Parents should note that if their child is admitted to the school’s Nursery Centre, this will not automatically guarantee them a place at the school.


Parents will be asked to complete a “Consideration for Admission form” available from the Nursery Centre or School Administration office.  Whilst it is helpful if parents can inform school at an early date if they would like their children to attend in due course, such expressions of interest do not constitute registering a child nor placing a child’s name on a waiting list nor being offered a place.

Parents who wish their child to be considered for a school place will be required to fill in an LA application form.  This form and the information regarding admissions will be sent to parents in the September prior to the child’s school starting date.  Details will also be publicised in the local press around the same time.  The forms must be returned directly to the LA.  Offers of places will be made in the March preceding the year of entry to school.


Our school is Church Aided in status and therefore the school’s Governing Body is its Admitting Authority.  The Governors of St Matthew’s will support the Headteacher in any decisions that he makes on behalf of the Governing Body as an appointee of the same.  Parents are actively encouraged to visit our school whilst considering their application for admission.  Such parents are invited to make an appointment to view our school by telephoning our School’s Administration Office and arranging a mutually convenient time.  The Headteacher will then take the opportunity to show prospective parents around school, place the school in context and answer any problems, queries or concerns that parents might have.


In such circumstances that a parental request for their child to attend our school is refused, and parents take exception to this, then the Borough of Telford & Wrekin will act as mediators and Children and Young People Services will advise parents of their statutory right to appeal and the process which they need to follow.


The agreed admissions policy for St  Matthew’s C E (Aided) Primary School for the admission year 2025/2026 is attached