To allow teachers to evaluate and measure a child's academic readiness, learning progress and educational needs we conduct both summative and formative assessments throughout the year.
Throughout lessons teachers will conduct summative assessments. This is achieved through their questioning techniques and marking at the end of a lesson. This form of assessment supports our teachers to plan and sequence the next lesson, responding to the needs of the pupils and is based on their progress and attainment within a lesson or series of lessons. At the end of units of work and at the end of every term we also conduct Formative Assessments. These assess individual pupils knowledge and understanding in a subject area and demonstrates their retention of knowledge.
Reception Baseline Assessment
Our Reception teachers, overseen by the EYFS lead, will complete the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) for each child in the first 6 weeks after they enter reception.
The RBA became statutory in schools in September 2021. It is an activity-based assessment of pupils’ starting points in:
- language, communication and literacy
- mathematics
The RBA is a short, task-based assessment. It is not used to label or track individual pupils.
At the end of each term we assess our children in Reading, Writing, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. These assessments may take the form of practical activities, teacher observations, written tests and verbal response. Teachers input each child's data in to our assessment data system OTrack. This system enables us to analyse the data and look for patterns, trends and under achievement. Teachers use this data to plan interventions and activities to enable pupils to achieve more.
At the end of each term we assess our children in Reading, Writing, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. These assessments are generally in the form of written tests. Teachers input each child's data in to our assessment data system OTrack. This system enables us to analyse the data and look for patterns, trends and under achievement. Teachers use this data to plan interventions and activities to enable pupils to achieve more.
Children in Year 6 will sit their SATs (Standardised Assessment Tests) tests in May. Children will sit SATs papers in Reading, Writing, Maths and SPaG (Spelling Punctuation and Grammar).
SATs are designed to evaluate your child’s progress throughout years 3-6 and are used to compare how your child achieves against other children of their age.
SATs exams are set and marked outside the school.
Year 6 SATs Papers | Teachers To Your Home
SEND Pupils
In the foundation subjects we assess at the start and the end of a unit of work to consider what pupils already know and what they have now learnt.
Assessment is an integral part of our teachers practice and is used on a daily basis to assess pupils understanding and shape future planning. We encourage our pupils to be reflective, resilient learners who are able to consider and evaluate what they can do well and what they need to do to improve.
All of these practices enable our pupils to develop as confident successful learners.