“History is not the past but a map of the past, drawn from a particular point of view, to be useful to the modern traveller.”
Henry Glassie, US historian (1941)
At St Matthew’s Primary school, our school vision is to encourage all children to flourish spiritually, morally, emotionally, physically and intellectually in all aspects of life demonstrating perseverance and resilience; this is emulated across all curriculum areas.
We provide all pupils with access to a high-quality history curriculum that supports them to develop an appreciation and comprehensive understanding of the past. As historians, our children are given learning opportunities that support a coherent insight and knowledge into how people in Britain and the wider world used to live. Pupils are taught to make connections within these areas of learning, with our aim to develop motivated, independent and curious learners that can reflect on the past and make meaningful links to the present day and how to shape and develop the future.
During history units, lessons will be taught twice a week during the afternoon. To enthuse and excite our children as historians, each unit of work begins with a memorable experience that takes place both in and out of the classroom including workshops and offsite visits, this ignites pupil’s passion to study the topic.
Spring Term 1 2022
Year 1/2 Trip to Blists Hill
Humph's History Workshops.