St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Autumn 2

Autumn Term 2


Saint Padre Curriculum Map

Important information.

PE Days: Monday and Wednesday

Homework: continues to be set on Friday and is due in no later than Wednesday the following week.


This term we are focusing on Design and Technology: Food for Life.

We started the unit off by tasting and comparing different breads to see their properties, ingredients and taste.  We intend to learn all about processed foods and what this entails before comparing the food properties in shop bought bread compared to homemade bread.  At the end of the unit, we are hoping to learn how to make Christmas inspired bread. 


In reading, we are continuing to read our class book: Northern Lights.  The children have enjoyed learning about the main protagonist so far and her inseparable demon and we are looking forward to the plot thickening.


Where possible, we will continue to link our writing topics to our class book.  We will explore poetry this term and also non chronological reports.  We will start our genres like we have previously done, exploring a WAGOLL to unpick the key features and create our own checklists.  The children will be given plenty of opportunities to edit and improve others’ writing and their own using their purple pens to proofread and add more ambitious word choices and sentence structures.


This half term in maths, we are focusing on all four operations before moving on to fractions.  We have been exploring key mathematical vocabulary associated with multiplication such as divisor, divided, quotient, multiple, commutative and product.  In year 6, recapping in maths is particularly important so we will be revising many aspects of maths during starter activities and the use of Flashback 4. 


Our Science focus this term is animals and animal adaptation.  We will investigate and explore how animals adapt to survive in their environments.  We will explore animals within our school vicinity and look at animals afar too.


In RE, we will continue to have many opportunities to explore different religions.  During Inter Faith week, we will discuss how people can unit through sports and other activities despite their differing religions.


This week, we enjoyed learning about Remembrance Day and felt privileged to lead the KS2 assembly for our special Remembrance Day assembly.  We wrote poems and created PowerPoints about this special day.  We created our own poppies using coffee filter paper and created a display in the hall with all of our artwork.