St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Misty Mountain, Winding River

Our cornerstones topic for this half term is 'Misty Mountain, Winding River.' Here we are learning about the journey of a river from it's source on the tops of mountains and it's end journey out to sea. The children are also exploring rivers around the world, the water cycle and trying their best to memorise and learn lots of new geographical vocabulary terms. We have also been learning about mountains, where we find them, the different types and also their geography. 

Our class text 'Beowulf' by Michael Morpurgo has been enjoyed greatly. The children have been excited by this story and we have been writing diary entries as if we are characters from the story and also newspaper articles.

ED Shed: Please encourage your children to log on to ED shed where we have activities saved which will help support your child's spelling. There are specific games and activities set, suitable for your child.

Also, it is extremely important that your children read on a daily basis  home. It is lovely to see how some of you have been supporting your children so much already and commenting in their reading journals, thankyou!


Mathematics - Place value and and addition and subtraction have been our focus over these last few weeks. We are also encouraging the children to learn their times tables as these are such an important part of their understanding of numbers and the number system. By the end of year 3, the children should be able to recall all of the times tables facts in the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables. By year 4 the children should be able to recite and recall all of the times tables facts all the way up to 12X12.

In Summer 2022, year children will also be taking their times tables test, which is a mandatory test that the children either pass or fail. It is incredibly important that the children are given support to practise these regularly and we appreciate your support in this, Thankyou. Each question will be asked on an ipad and the children have 6 seconds to answer.


Science: How does your garden grow?

In science we have enjoyed exploring plants, how they grow, what they need to survive and the importance of bees in the cycle of life. We particularly enjoyed dissecting lily flowers and exploring the scientific parts. Can you name all of the parts of the flower that are shown on this picture?


How do people follow God?

The children have demonstrated compassion and understanding this half term as they have listened to others and shared their own ideas about how Christians follow God. This has linked well to our introduction to our class rules and how we follow school rules also. It is lovely to hear the children talk about how they help and support each other, especially at the moment whilst times are so turbulent and strange.