St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Summer 2

Year 6 Trip to Arthog, Wales

During the final half term of primary school, Year 6 have the opportunity to travel to North Wales for a residential trip at the wonderful Arthog Outdoor Education Centre near Fairbourne.

We explore the beautiful countryside and experience a wide variety of activities pushing ourselves, our resilience, and our cooperation to the limit.

We brave precarious heights and tight passageways during outdoor rock climbing.

We get soaking wet climbing up waterfalls and scaling narrow gorges.

In between activities, we have opportunities to relax (and play) by the sea.



Though our SATs are done, we don't stop learning. We have skill got plenty to do to make sure we are as ready as possible for secondary school!


In English, we are reading the Explorer, by Katherine Rundell: a heart-stopping adventure about four children stranded in the Amazon Rainforest.

We take on the mantel of the author by writing our own exciting adventure stories inspired by Rundell.


In maths, we explore a variety of things which will become very useful when we move on to secondary school, including statistics and data handling and interpretation.