St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Autumn 1

Welcome to Year 6's Class Page

This page aims to inform you on the children's work, coverage of learning this term and any other useful information. 

Key information: 

PE: This will take place every Monday and Thursday this term.  Please ensure your child comes to school in a appropriate PE kit on these days. 

Homework: This will be given out weekly and will often recap on the learning the children have completed in school that week.  It will be handed out on Friday and should be returned to school no later than Wednesday.  

Special Studies

This term, we are focussing on Geography with our unit "Frozen Kingdoms". 

We started the topic with our memorable experience which the children absolutely loved!!  Working scientifically, they had to free a frozen penguin from an 'iceberg'.  It certainly engaged the children and left them with many questions they would like to research and find out.  

Throughout the term, we aim to recap on prior knowledge labelling parts of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and learning how to identify key polar regions on a world map.  We will discuss features such as the Prime Meridian, Equator and Northern and Southern Hemisphere.   We will explore the difference and similarities between the Artic and Antarctica 


Our book for the term is Northern Lights, by Philip Pullman. This is the exciting story of a girl called Lyra and her friend travelling to the distant frozen north to find a lost friend and find out about the mysterious "Dust".

This links in with our Special Studies topic of "Frozen Kingdoms", in which we study the polar regions.   During our reading lessons we will focus on the key reading skills: VIPERS and really concentrate on the higher level questions that involve referring to the text.  


This term, we aim to explore setting descriptions.  We will be recapping and learning a range of figurative devices: similes, metaphors, personification, hyperboles and idioms.  The children will use this knowledge of setting descriptions to write their own setting description linked to our class book and our geography theme.


In maths, we will be recapping on place value and learning the place value of digits up to ten million.  We will use a range of opportunities and learning opportunities using pictorial, abstract and concrete resources to develop and deepen the children's understanding of key concepts.  We will then move on to formal written methods, factors and multiplies before we explore fractions.  Fractions are a really important part of the Year 6 curriculum so as much practise of this at home is welcomes.  

Light Up Your World

In Science, we study the bright world of light, understanding how we see, what creates shadows, how we can change the direction of light, and even how to split light into different colours.  We will carry out a range of investigations to explore lines of enquiries involving light. 



Our RE focus this half term is focussing on the idea of freedom and salvation.  The children will explore links between themes and stories from the bible making connections between key stories such as the Story of Moses.  Using activities such as debates, the children will explore and develop their understanding of why people believe God brought freedom.  They will have the opportunity to gain a great understanding of the 10 commandments.  


Art Week: 

Today, we learnt about Andy Goldsworthy.  We learnt that he is an environmentalist and enjoys sculpturing art using natural resources such snow, twigs, flowers, leaves and even ice.  

We used natural resources around the school to create our very own version.  We started using branches to frame the shape and then filled it with a variety of coloured leaves that we picked up off the floor.