St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Summer 1


During this half term we will be writing a Victorian narrative using our class book 'Jane Pinny' as inspiration. We will be continuing to use VIPERS to understand what we have read and become confident in inference and sequencing skills. Alongside this, we will also continue to look at some of the Year 2 punctuation and grammar, such as different sentence types, word classes (noun, adjective, verb and adverb) and extending our sentences using conjunctions (so, and, but, or, because).


We will be focusing on mass, capacity and temperature. The children will look at the unit measurements grams, kilograms, litres, millilitres and degrees Celsius. The will learn what tools are needed to measure these different measurements and be given the opportunity to use these different tools. We will also be looking at word and missing number problems to help us with our reasoning and problem solving. Each Friday, we will also practice our arithmetic skills and our times tables.


This topic will be about Materials and why they have been chosen for certain objects. Over this half term the children will carry out several investigations. They will discuss and evaluate their choices, justifying why they would choose a certain material for each investigation.

Special Studies:

Our History topic is the everyday life of children in Victorian Britain. They will learn about the different working conditions children had to endure. We will also explore the differences between the lives of rich and poor children and the lives and rights of children have changed between present day and the Victorian period. 


Year 2 SATs will be taking place in May. To help your child prepare we ask that you continue to encourage your child to use TTRockstars and to listen to your children reading and asking them questions about the book during listening to them or after they have finished reading. The questions are to help children with their comprehension skills and will make it easier for them to know what has happened in the book. Examples of types of questions can be:

- What do you think the book is about?

- How do you think the book will end?

- Who is this character?
- Why is this character doing this?

Any support you can give to your child, big or small, is greatly appreciated.