St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Autumn 1


During English this half term, we linked our class text to our Cornerstones topic 'Land Ahoy!' and have had a great time focussing on the text 'The Pirates Next Door' by Jonny Duddle. We looked closely at narrative writing and have completed a range of different tasks based on the story such as sequencing and retelling, exploring story language and we even had a go at improving the story! For our 'Chance to Shine' piece we completed a character description. We also looked at post cards and created a post card from the character 'Jim Lad' to his friend 'Matilda'. 





Maths: As a class we have started off the year by looking at place value and addition and subtraction. We have spent time recapping our tens and ones, counting to 100, comparing number and objects using the more than (>), less than (<) and equal to (=) symbols.

Science: Our topic for science this term is called 'Growing Up'. During this half term the children have been learning about different life cycles and how both animals and humans change as they grow. We have also learned about exercise and how this impacts on our health. We have completed investigations into questions such as 'Does your head get bigger as you get older?' and 'Which exercise increases our heart rate the most?'. 

Special Studies: 

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Arrr… me hearties,- it’s a sailor’s life for me! Get your sea legs on, it’s time to sail the salty seas. Navigate, investigate and explore the world- just like Captain Cook.

Make a boar, sink a ship, fly a pirate flag!

Our topic this term is called 'Land Ahoy' and we have had a brilliant time learning how to be pirates! Our topic kicked off with a pirate day where we had to hunt for treasure, create and follow maps and even walk the plank!

We have focussed on the book 'The Pirates Next Door' in English and our Geography has been based on identifying the 7 continents and 5 oceans on the globe and developing an understanding of why there are different types of weather depending on whether you live on or near the equator, Northern or Southern Hemisphere.