St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Spring 2

Hello and Welcome back for the second half of the Spring term. This term we will be learning all about the season of Spring which will include Pancake day, Mother's day, Growing plants, Easter and changes in Spring. 

Hello Spring clipart - Clipart World

Forest school will continue to be on a Tuesday and PE will continue to be on a Thursday. 

This week we enjoyed tasting pancakes and taking part in our sponsored Pancake race. Thank you to all parents that helped us to raise money for new outdoor play equipment. 


We have enjoyed learning about Spring and plant growth and have planted our own Sunflower seeds this week. We will be looking after them over the coming weeks with plenty of sunshine and water. 



We have been continuing to learn about plants and have planted our own cress this week as well as watering and caring for the plants in our outdoor area. 


We have been learning about the story of Easter and the symbol of the cross, we made some beautiful art work as part of this. 

As part of Maths day Nursery learnt the song Hot cross buns. We each visited Mrs Vaughan's hot cross bun shop, paying with a penny so that we could taste a hot cross bun. They were delicious!