St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Phonic Screening Test

We started this term by absolutely smashing our phonic screening tests. All the children have worked extremely hard in their phonic lessons and tutoring to ensure they were prepared. Super well done to all. 


In maths this term, we have already explored position and direction. We practically learned about different turns such as quarter and three-quarter turns, left, right, forwards and backwards. The children have worked hard on this topic and is something they have cracked. Well done. We will be moving onto looking at time, where we we learn how to read a clock and recap our days of the week and months of the year. 



This term in English, we have introduced a new genre. We have been looking at non-chronological reports. The children have really enjoyed reading all about different animals, planets and countries. We looked carefully at a variety of reports and looked closely at how they were structured. We will be focusing carefully on making sure our sentences read well and have interesting adjectives long with the correct SPaG. 



This term, our focus in the world around us. We have been and will continue to explore maps, globes and atlases to find different countries, cities and towns.

Sports Day- 21.6.22

Please ensure all children come in the correct PE kits, sunhats, water bottles and sun cream already applied.