St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Summer 1

Week beginning 25th April

This week was all about The Very Hungry Caterpillar, we have been working really hard on our writing recently. Ensuring that we are forming letters correctly, using finger spaces and writing on the line. In maths, we have been focussing on doubling and learning our double facts to 10. 


Week beginning 2nd May

Look at some of our amazing writing we did about frogs, we focussed on structuring sentences this week and ensuring that they made sense. Again, we practiced doubling this week and really getting to grips with those double facts to 10.


Week beginning 9th May

This week was all about worms! We made our own worm farm with different layers so we can see where the worms are moving about. We looked at lots of non-fiction books this week all about worms and learnt many facts; did you know a worm has FIVE hearts? We also enjoyed a story about a worm and all the dangers out there to a little worm; we created a story path of the main events in the story that we used to retell the story to our friends.


Week beginning 16th May

The growing story was all about us growing; how we change and things change around us. We really enjoyed learning this new song all about growing!


Week beginning 25th April

This week we enjoyed art week focussing on the skill of drawing! We had a go at continuous line drawing, drawing with different media and drawing with large and small movements.